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Main » 2010 » March » 17

Spyware Doctor™ provides three-way spyware protection for your PC through real-time threat blocking, advanced system scanning and immunization against known browser infections. Spyware Doctor is a multi-award winning spyware removal utility that detects, removes and protects your PC from thousands of potential spyware, adware, Trojans, keyloggers, spybots and tracking threats. Protect your privacy and computing habits from prying eyes and virtual trespassers with the help of Spyware Doctor. Anti-virus software and firewalls do not fully protect your system against the majority of spyware and privacy threats.
Because spyware is commonly bundled with software downloads, attached to e-mails, or transmitted through networks it can appear to be legitimate software, but once installed it can be nearly impossible to detect and remove without the help of a dedicated spyware removal tool like ... Read more »

Category: My Anti-spyware | Views: 577 | Added by: antivirus | Date: 2010-03-17 | Comments (0)

UserGate is a complex solution for sharing Internet access among employees in your company, making traffic calculations, and protecting your local network against malicious activity and software, such as hacker attacks, viruses and Trojans. UserGate is a flexible yet very powerful program that can be used in small- and mid-sized companies instead of relying on large and expensive hardware or software alternatives. With UserGate, you can enforce as strict an Internet access policy as you want, to ensure that the Internet is used appropriately in your company. The integrated BrightCloud Service allows you to apply web filters, and helps boost employee productivity by giving you total control over what sites your employees can access.

Key features:

• Dual antivirus protection
• Advanced firewall
• Advanced NAT driver
• VPN connection support
• User-based acce ... Read more »

Category: My Firewalls | Views: 558 | Added by: antivirus | Date: 2010-03-17 | Comments (0)

TrojanHunter is an advanced trojan scanner and toolbox, that searches for and removes trojans from your system. It uses several proven methods to find a wide variety of trojans such as file scanning, port scanning, memory scanning and registry scanning. The difference to many other trojan scanners is that TrojanHunter also allows you to add custom trojan definitions and detection rules using the easy to understand dialogs. It includes several additional tools, including a NetStat viewer, Memory String Extractor, Process Viewer, Auto-Start Explorer and various plug-ins for advanced users. TrojanHunter comes with a Live Update features that keeps the Trojan signatures current. TrojanHunter is a powerful application designed to detect and remove trojans. With its unique scan engine capable of searching every hiding spot on your computer for trojans, you can be assured of having the most advanc ... Read more »

Category: My Anti-virus | Views: 537 | Added by: antivirus | Date: 2010-03-17 | Comments (0)

Don't rely on unsecure post-it notes or text files to store your private information! Criminals are everywhere, and today, it is more important than ever to keep sensitive information safe. Password Manager Deluxe provides that safety in one easy solution!

With Password Manager Deluxe, you can keep all your passwords, pin-codes, account numbers etc. safe, and in one place. You never have to remember a password or code again, and you never have to worry about hackers getting hold of them!

Password Manager Deluxe is rock solid. Your information will be protected using the strong U.S. government approved 256-bit AES/Rijndael encryption. Keeping sensitive data safe, is the most important choice you should make!


Only one password to remember
Make one master password to lock your database. That's all you have to remember.
Password Management ... Read more »

Category: My Security | Views: 512 | Added by: antivirus | Date: 2010-03-17 | Comments (0)

WinMend Registry Cleaner is a powerful and secure registry cleaning and optimization application. It has four main function modules: Registry Cleaner, Registry Optimizer, Registry Backup and Scheduler. The application can efficiently and comprehensively analyze system, accurately locate errors and obsolete data, safely fix or delete them, thus effectively reducing the workload in your computer and improving the speed and performance of your system. It also analyzes various system settings such as those for CPU, memory, disks and provides comprehensive and automatic system optimization solutions to further increase the speed of system startup and running. Safe analysis, comprehensive registry scan and faster scan engine are our powerful tools for registry cleanup and optimization!


• Safe Scan
With our constant commitment to developing high-quality registry scanning an ... Read more »

Category: My Security | Views: 465 | Added by: antivirus | Date: 2010-03-17 | Comments (0)

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