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Main ยป 2009 » November » 14

Kaspersky Boot Rescue Disk - Kaspersky Lab's newest development, which allows you to completely kill any viruses, including even the most dangerous, with which it is impossible to get to boot Windows.
Extras: The program is an iso-image of a multiboot disk. To work with him, you need to burn an ISO image to CD disc, then insert a disc in the CD-ROM, and boot from it. A unique feature of this tool is that it allows for booting from BIOS, even going into the system shell Windows.
In fact, this almighty tool to combat viruses. Having him there, you can save a bad computer, and all the valuable information on it.

Save the image to a CD using popular programs such as Nero, Alcohol, CloneCD, etc. Do not burn the disc at high speed, because you may have trouble reading. The optimum speed - 8h.

Expose in the BIOS to boot from CD-ROM. Enter t ... Read more »

Category: My Other | Views: 700 | Added by: antivirus | Date: 2009-11-14 | Comments (0)

Most Award-winning and Effective Combined AntiVirus and AntiSpyware Product

Webroot's antivirus detection is powered by Sophos®, known globally as a pioneer and industry leader in the fight against viruses. This leading technology has been awarded the Virus Bulletin 100 Award 39 times. No other major antivirus provider has done better!* Webroot Spy Sweeper is the industry leader in antispyware protection and the most award winning. Our technology has been proven by independent testing to find and remove 40% more spies than any other antispyware software.
Webroot AntiVirus with AntiSpyware and Firewall provides comprehensive protection against a broad range of security threats such as viruses, spyware, adware, worms, pop-ups, Trojans, key loggers, and rootkits. In addition, Webroot AntiVirus with AntiSpyware and Firewall monitors all traffic to an ... Read more »

Category: My Anti-virus | Views: 1102 | Added by: antivirus | Date: 2009-11-14 | Comments (0)

Webroot Spy Sweeper is award-winning anti-spyware software that effectively detects and safely removes spyware and adware from your PC. Spy Sweeper protects you from spyware's negative consequences, which include a slower Internet connection, pop-up advertisement problems, reduced computer performance, or in the worst case, the loss of private information and identity theft. Spy Sweeper lets you protect your privacy and your computer from a variety of spyware programs, from those that monitor all of your computer's activities (system monitors) to those that can steal or destroy data (Trojan horses). It also detects programs that pop up ads on your computer when the program is running (adware) and cookies that may contain and may transmit personal information (tracking cookies). Spy Sweeper "sweeps" your computer looking for evidence of these programs, reports its findi ... Read more »

Category: My Anti-spyware | Views: 791 | Added by: antivirus | Date: 2009-11-14 | Comments (0)

SUPERAntiSpyware is the most thorough scanner on the market. Our Multi-Dimensional Scanning and Process Interrogation Technology will detect spyware other products miss. Easily remove pests such as WinFixer, SpyAxe, SpyFalcon, and thousands more. SUPERAntiSpyware will detect and remove thousands of Spyware, Adware, Malware, Trojans, KeyLoggers, Dialers, Hi-Jackers, and Worms. SUPERAntiSpyware features many unique and powerful technologies and removes spyware threats that other applications fail to remove.

SUPERAntiSpyware Professional includes Real-Time Blocking of threats, Scheduled Scanning, and Free Unlimited Customer Service via e-mail. Also includes a Repair feature that allows you to restore various settings which are often changed by malware programs, but usually not corrected by simply removing the parasite. Repair broken Internet Connections, ... Read more »

Category: My Anti-spyware | Views: 615 | Added by: antivirus | Date: 2009-11-14 | Comments (0)

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