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Main » 2008 » November » 18

Anti Trojan Elite(ATE) is a malware remover, it can detect and clean malware in disk or memory.Anti Trojan Elite provide a real-time malware firewall for user, once a trojan or keylogger would been loaded, the ATE can detect, block and then clean it in time before it starts. The ATE can detect more than 22000 trojans, worms and keyloggers currently, and the number of malware ATE could clean is growing up very quickly, we collect world-wide malwares, user can using our auto live update feature to get the power to clean these new malwares in time.

Anti Trojan Elite has some useful utilities especially. The network utility can been used to disconnect suspicious TCP connections; The process utility can been used to kill suspicious processes even the process has the system priviage, even it has the ab ... Read more »

Category: My Anti-virus | Views: 653 | Added by: antivirus | Date: 2008-11-18 | Comments (0)

Wireless networking, or Wi-Fi is expanding. Notebooks are coming with wireless connections build-in. Families are buying more than one computer and using wireless routers for networking. According to one survey 52% of households with computers are using wireless to link them. Mostly because it is easier than trying to run Ethernet wire through the walls and ceiling. For me it is fear of my wife catching me drill holes in the wall. Yet surveys have shown over half of the people do not bother setting up any security setting for it.

Is your home Wi-Fi signal offering neighbors free access to your network, allowing them to assume your identity for their own purpose? Wi-Fi Defense is a tool for your home wireless network.

Detect intruders, kick them off, and prevent future intrusions.

Wi-Fi Defense talks to your router or access point and configures your security settin ... Read more »

Category: My Security | Views: 946 | Added by: antivirus | Date: 2008-11-18 | Comments (0)

Remove any virus from your computer with this multi-antivirus-tool

Multi AntiVirus Scanning Tool is a malware removal utility incorporating multiple scanners including Kaspersky, McAfee, Trend Micro and Sophos engines.

Most of the time one Anti-Virus software can’t completely protect your computer from virus. However, having two or more anti-virus program in your computer will make your computer unstable.

When you’re infected by a persistent virus, you’d be frustrated if the installed Anti-Virus program on your computer is unable to clean it. So how to scan computer using more than one type of antivirus? Is the only solution to uninstall the current antivirus program and then install another one? Fortunately not, here’s how you can scan your computer with four types of Anti Virus program without installing them.

Multi-AntiVirus Scanning Tool:< ... Read more »

Category: My Anti-virus | Views: 942 | Added by: antivirus | Date: 2008-11-18 | Comments (0)

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