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Main » 2011 » June » 2 » Avira AntiVir Rescue System 06-01-2011

Avira AntiVir Rescue System 06-01-2011
7:47 PM

Avira AntiVir Rescue System 06-01-2011 | 227 Mb

Avira AntiVir Rescue System is a Linux-based application that allows accessing computers that cannot be booted anymore.

Thus it is possible to:

* repair a damaged system,
* rescue data,
* scan the system for virus infections.

Just double-click on the rescue system package to burn it to a CD/DVD. You can then use this CD/DVD to boot your computer.

The Avira AntiVir Rescue System is updated several times a day so that the most recent security updates are always available.

Avira Antivir Rescue System - Rescue System Linux-application that allows access to computers.Takim way you can restore the system to save data or to scan for the presence of virus. I simple, almost in a few clicks, make a special boot disk for scanning, healing and recovery system that is affected by viruses.

How to make a bootable CD:
Run the downloaded file. You will be prompted to insert a blank disc into the drive, then the program will write upon him the files and make the disk bootable. If at this point not to insert a blank disc and refuse to write, Avira Antivir Rescue System will offer for you to keep on your hard drive disk image. Self-without saying that image then you can burn to disc your application for burning (burning need in the "burn image to disk").

Download links :



Category: My Other | Views: 1011 | Added by: antivirus | Rating: 0.0/0 |

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1 Rahul  
Using your credit card over the phone is safe as long as the coapnmy you're dealing with is reputable. There's no chance of a third party along the way getting your number as there could be with an insecure (non-encrypted) web transaction.Hope that helps.

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