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Main » 2009 » April » 29 » Agnitum Outpost Network Security v3.0.1

Agnitum Outpost Network Security v3.0.1
2:50 PM

Outpost Network Security is specially designed to help small and medium business (SMB) organizations protect against modern security challenges and address the problem of productivity waste; it safeguards local networks against external attacks and internal sabotage, keeps endpoints clean of malware, prevents disclosure of inside information, policies employee Internet access and shifts the task of deploying and managing protection away from the busy workforce.

Being a nimble, undemanding yet highly efficient and reliable solution, Outpost Network Security brings manageability, transparency and security to your IT infrastructure, keeping workstations healthy, administrators happy and your bottom line shiny.

Key Benefits:

No security incidents
Information is the most prized asset within an organization. Outpost ensures the integrity of your data by offering a number of robust security mechanisms:

Antivirus to ensure malware-free environment
The VB100-certified engine combining virus and spyware defense is constantly on guard against malicious software arising internally (i.e. received as an email attachment) or acquired externally (i.e. spreading via an infected USB flash drive). The threat is instantly neutralized before it can harm other member machines. On-demand remote and centralized virus scans can be initiated on select endpoints at any time.

Bidirectional firewall to bolster LAN connectivity
The award winning firewall technology ensures safety and continuity of your company’s network operations. Encompassing a unique intrusion detection system to shield traffic against eavesdropping, packet- and application-level filtering to block unwanted or malicious connections, embedded code protection to shore up vulnerable web elements, Outpost Network Security is the ultimate deterrent to all manner of data compromises and hacker attacks.

USB access lockdown to guard company’s digital assets
Your internal data is at risk of being copied and extracted from the organization. Outpost Network Security blocks access to mass storage USB devices on target hosts, preventing unauthorized leak of company data and malware propagation from connecting flash memory drives.

Effortless rollout and hands-free updates

Centralized deployment to minimize IT workload
With intuitive tools that map organization’s network domain structure, mass deployment can be carried out almost in no time.

Online and offline updates to keep protection current
Security updates for intranet-connected machines are deployed daily from a single network repository, such as Agnitum Server, a local updates server or a local folder with updated bases.

Better visibility into remote events

Real-time control of endpoint activity for total transparency
Once your network is up and running, it’s hard to control events that are taking place on individual machines. Outpost deals with this limitation by offering real-time monitoring of system and network activity for any remote host. With this handy tool, administrators can see what sites are being accessed or what programs are currently active on any computer on the network. This also enables administrators to quickly edit existing access policies for the target hosts.

Remote logging system for better understanding past activity
Outpost’s remote logger shows history of all past events occurring on remote machines, enabling IT managers to quickly find a problem and correct it without leaving their desks.

Lightweight protection that stays on all the time

Faster, resource-friendly operation for smoother protection with SmartScan 3
Thanks to numerous optimizations and unique performance-boosting technologies, client Outpost protection is performed in the background without taking up vital system resources. Security checks complete up to ten times faster than some of the competition.

Unauthorized termination prevention to guarantee continuity of protection
Workstations’ Outpost protection cannot be switched off by targeted termination attacks, meaning your networked clients are protected 24/7.

Universal compatibility

Modern hardware and software support for broader deployment
Outpost Network Security protection can be installed on any recent Windows platform, simplifying deployment and eliminating learning overhead. Outpost protection can be deployed on company’s gateway PC that is already running 3d-party security products such as antivirus or anti-spam software.

Key features include:

* Comprehensive protection against viruses, spyware, and other malware
* Bidirectional firewall with intrusion detection and network integrity safeguard
* Unsafe web elements restriction
* Protection against unauthorized termination of security functions
* Centrally managed deployment and administration
* Centrally managed malware scans on-demand
* Real-time event reporting and history logs

Size: 106 MB

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Category: My Security | Views: 612 | Added by: antivirus | Rating: 0.0/0 |

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