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Main » 2009 » April » 17 » Private Photo Album v1.1

Private Photo Album v1.1
2:52 PM

Private Photo Album is a private photo album you can take on the go. It’s perfect for loving couples or teens who want to keep their private photos on the computer private. The application includes a built-in image viewer and slideshow capabilities. The photos are stored in a single executable file, which is protected by strong 256-bit encryption and password access. The file is portable. You can easily move it from one computer to another, or take it with you on one of those USB flash drives and carry protected photo albums in your pocket.

Private Photo Album allows you to:

• load TIFF, BMP, PNG, GIF, JPEG, PCX and many other image types;
• import images with their EXIF information;
• view photos in the built-in image viewer with slideshow capability;
• move or copy images by drag-and-drop;
• protect private photo albums by 256-bit encryption;
• set a unique password for each private photo album.

Below is a short overview of some of the benefits and features of Private Photo Album.

Hide Photos from Children
You fear your computer savvy child can discover intimate photos on your computer? Most any parents have secret files – photos and video – they view when they have a little fun together. And nothing is more embarrassing than a teenage kid uncovering these files and learning what’s going on between the sheets. With our Private Photo Album, you can hide the digital evidences of your bedroom life and leave your kid completely clueless.

Hide Pics from Your Parents
Your parents want to know every single detail of your personal life? When you are at college, they start your computer and check who you chat with on MSN, what websites you visit, and what files you keep on the computer? Just remember not all secrets are to be told, some things are meant to be private. Our Private Photo Album will help you protect your romantic photos and keep your relationship safe from discovery.

Hide Photos from Hackers
You have steamy pics on the computer and fear they can go public as a result of computer hacking? We all have some personal files on the computer that we don’t want others to see or use. Private Photo Album is a reliable weapon to protect yourself from hackers and cyber blackmail. Even if someone hacks your computer, he won’t be able to gain access to your personal pictures stored in the protected albums.

Create Public and Private Albums
With Private Photo Album, you can make albums public or private. Public albums can be viewed by all people, while private ones are invisible and can be accessed only by you or someone you share the password with. For more peace of mind, you can protect each album with its unique password so that one can access one private album but cannot open or even see the others. No one will even know that your private photos exist on the computer.

Load Photos in a Few Clicks
Loading photos to Private Photo Album is simple as it gets. Simply create an album in the program and drag and drop files from Windows Explorer. You can also import pictures through the wizard or load digital photos directly from the camera. Once the pictures are in, you can browse and view photos from within the program without saving anything onto the hard drive. All pictures can be imported in just a few clicks.

Carry Photos in Your Pocket
Want to take private photos with you? With Private Photo Album, it’s simple. The program creates a single executable file that you can save to a USB flash memory drive and take it with you whenever it is you’re going to. Plug the drive to the USB port of any computer and access the files. It doesn’t get much easier than this!

Size : 2.7 MB






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